Spesifikasi Cooler Master eXtreme Power Plus 550 W:
* ATX12V 2.3
* Nominal labeled power: 550 W
* Measured maximum power: 503.4 W at 45.5ยบ C.
* Labeled efficiency: Above 70%
* Measured efficiency: Between 73.2% and 77.5% at 115 V (nominal, see complete results for actual voltage).
* Active PFC: No.
* Modular Cabling System: No.
* Motherboard Power Connectors: One 20/24-pin connector and two ATX12V connectors that together form an EPS12V connector.
* Video Card Power Connectors: Two six/eight-pin connectors in separated cables.
* SATA Power Connectors: Six in two cables.
* Peripheral Power Connectors: Three in one cable.
* Floppy Disk Drive Power Connectors: One.
* Protections: over voltage (OVP), over power (OPP) and short-circuit (SCP). Under voltage protection (UVP) present but not listed by the manufacturer.
* Warranty: Information not available.
* Real Manufacturer: Seventeam
* More Information: Cooler Master
Seperti juga 'adiknya', Cooler Master eXtreme Power Plus 400W maka PSU ini tidak dilengkapi dengan kabel modular dan tanpa PFC. Akan tetapi panjang kabel yang disediakn oleh PSU ini sedkit lebih daripada 'adiknya'. Berikut uraiannya:
* Main motherboard cable with a 20/24-pin connector, 17 ¾” (45 cm) long.
* One cable with two ATX12V connectors that together form one EPS12V connector, 21 ¼” (54 cm) long.
* Two cables with one six/eight-pin connector for video cards each, 18 1/8” (46 cm) long.
* Two cables with three SATA power connectors each, 18 1/8” (46 cm) to the first connector, 5 7/8” (15 cm) between connectors.
* One cable with three standard peripheral power connectors and one floppy disk drive power connector, 18 1/8” (46 cm) to the first connector, 5 7/8” (15 cm) between connectors.
Meskipun tidak dapat digolongkan sebagai PSU yang 'jelek' tetapi lagi-lagi seperti 'adiknya', PSU ini memiliki tingkat efisiensi yang minim yaitu 73.2%-77.5%. Tetapi tegangan dan daya yang dihasilkan dapat diberikan sesuai dengan sebagaimana yang tertera di labelnya. Dan menurut Hardware Secrets, harganya relatif mahal jika dibandingkan dengan merek lain dan memiliki tingkat efisiensi yang lebih baik.
(sumber: Hardware Secrets-Gabriel Torres dan Cooler Master)
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